The Vocational College of Natural Resources Research and Utilization (TEKH Vocational College for short) is a talent management organisation at the Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Engineering of the University of Miskolc, where interested students can engage in research and development projects, network with students with similar interests and mentors with extensive professional experience, and enter the international arena.
At the beginning of each semester, it is possible to apply to join the College. It's worth becoming a member, as you can join a group of talented students, join research projects, choose a professional mentor, and get financial support for field trips, conference participation and research costs. In addition to all this, the recommendation provided by the TEKH Vocational College is a valuable asset for our former members when looking for a job or applying for further education.
It is important to stress that the College is not only open to students studying mining and raw materials, but also to geographers. In the natural sciences, everything is connected, so mining engineers may need geographers and vice versa.
Once your application form has been received, you will be considered as a candidate and your membership will be decided at the first General Assembly of the semester, the date of which will be notified by email.
If you have any questions about the College or the application process, please contact the President of the College, Dr. Viktória Mikita (